Thursday, October 26, 2023
Air Greenland and Greenland Travel enter into partnership with the Greenlandic Handball Federation, TAAK
Air Greenland and Greenland Travel are proud to sponsor Timersoqatigiit Assammik Arsartartut Kattuffiat, TAAK from 2023 to 2025. The agreement is based on a shared ambition to strengthen the sport of handball and to highlight Greenland as a destination on the international stage.
The sponsorship agreement comes as the women's national team prepares for the World Handball Championship, which will be held in Norway, Sweden and Denmark from November 29 to December 17, 2023. The tournament will not only be a sporting event, but also an opportunity to bring the nation together and promote our proud handball tradition.
In addition to supporting the women's national team's preparation for the World Cup, the parties wanted to extend the collaboration for the period 2023 - 2025 by sponsoring support for the logistics of handball tournaments. The Greenlandic Handball Federation, with its approximately 1,200 members, wants to change the tournament structure, which Air Greenland and Greenland Travel can help support the development of.
In addition, the ticket product Ilik, which is targeted at associations with good booking conditions, will be used. Ilik association travel offers up to 75% off a standard price with early planning, and other associations can take advantage of the available flight capacity that arises.

Air Greenland Group's CEO, Jacob Nitter Sørensen, handed over the sponsorship to TAAK's vice chairman Arnanguaq Steenholdt and board member Eqalunnguaq Abel Kristiansen. Photo: Emil Stach
World Cup flight to Stavanger
As part of the agreement with the Handball Federation, Air Greenland will operate a special flight between Stavanger and Kangerlussuaq to ensure that the home supporters can attend and support the national team's matches during the World Cup and return to Greenland directly from there.
Together, Air Greenland and Greenland Travel aim to use the sponsorship to raise awareness of Greenland as an exciting travel destination, while at the same time supporting the national teams' efforts to excel on the international handball stage. We look forward to an exciting and inspiring time of handball, community and great experiences.

Jacob Nitter Soerensen, CEO of Air Greenland Group, says:
"We are thrilled to be part of this unique opportunity. Handball is something we gather around, whether it is the Greenland Championships for children, juniors, youngsters and seniors. Supporting the development of the sport of handball from the beginning to the national team makes a positive difference. We have seen how the national teams, whether it is on the men's or women's side, it is one of the sports events where we can reach beyond the country's borders and participate in major tournaments. Through this partnership, we will work hand in hand with the Greenland Handball Federation and Greenland Travel to strengthen the logistics for the national team on the global stage.
Photo: Emil Stach

TAAK's vice chairwoman, Arnanguak Steenholdt, signed the sponsorship agreement on behalf of the federation. She is also excited about the sponsorship.
"We are very happy with the agreement with Air Greenland and Greenland Travel. The agreement will help us a lot in achieving our goals and visions in the federation. In particular, it will make it easier for us to travel to the coast and the rest of the world with our national teams and coaches. The partnership between Air Greenland and Greenland Travel will be of great benefit to the federation in the future. We can proudly display Air Greenland and Greenland Travel on all our match jerseys, says Arnanguak Steenholdt.
Photo: Emil Stach

"We play well together" Photo: Emil Stach

The official World Cup handball Photo: Emil Stach

Before the final match against Canada 12th of June 2023 Photo: Lars Kleemann Andersen

CEO of Air Greenland Group cheering on the women during the final match against Canada. Photo: Lars Kleemann Andersen

The national team qualified to the World cup 2023. Photo: Lars Kleemann Andersen

Tuukkaq will fly home audiences directly to Stavanger in Norway on November 27. Photo: Kim Davidsen