Monday, June 20, 2022
Air Greenland and Visit Greenland to strengthen their collaboration
Last week, the national airline and the National Tourist Board entered into a framework agreement and two co-operation agreements. The first is towards promoting the country, another towards a tourism award for the agents of the industry.

This is the fourth time that the parties have extended the framework agreement, which aims to create a joint effort to increase tourism to the country as well as support and professionally developing networks for the tourism industry in Denmark. With this agreement, the parties will support the creation of commercial areas of cooperation between the local tourism actors across the country's regions and to foreign agents.
- It is perhaps more important than ever that we stand close together in the tourism industry here at home and with the opening of the new runways there is a responsibility for creating a sustainable framework for tourism. It is therefore only natural to maintain and strengthen the good collaboration we have had with Visit Greenland for several years. Helping to support the tourism industry in Greenland and at the same time attract tourists from our common focus markets is a core task for the Air Greenland Group, which we can now continue to make a reality with Visit Greenland, says CEO of Air Greenland, Jacob Nitter Sørensen.
Visit Greenland's director Anne Nivíka Grødem elaborates:
- We must build knowledge by mapping the markets and sharing that knowledge not only with each other, but also with the agents. We must have a wider range of tourist products and extend the tourist season by supporting the agents and last but not least strengthening the promotion of the country, she says.
Targeted promotion
One of the agreements is to promote Greenland in the international focus markets and foreign media. Interest in Greenland is steadily rising, and this is noticeable in the many journalists who want to write about or film in Greenland.
- In the case of Air Greenland, we are experiencing an increase in inquiries from journalists. It's ranging from a desire to get an interview, to being allowed to film on board our plane or apply for tickets. That is very positive. We can be more focused with our marketing of the country by working closer with Visit Greenland, says Jacob Nitter Sørensen.
North America is especially highlighted as one of the markets where Greenland is to be further promoted. The other markets are the Nordic countries, the United Kingdom, Germany and the Benelux countries. Visit Greenland's director Anne Nivika Grødem elaborates.
- Moving into new markets, requires a lot of resources to create an increased interest and awareness of the destination. Therefore, it is crucial to enter into partnerships such as these, so that we use our resources to the best possibilities and lift the task together, says Anne Nivíka Grødem and continues:
- The North American market is a potential for development, and with new runways, Greenland will be more accessible. That is why it is important that we are already now working with the contact to central travel agents and support the development in the destinations, says the director of the tourist council.
Tourism Award
It is also part of the agreement that the ‘Greenland Tourism Award’ will again be awarded to a tourism player in Greenland that has excelled in sustainable product development.
- Together, we have a common interest in promoting and celebrating those who are at the forefront of sustainable tourism development. Therefore, with this award, we will recognize tourism companies that develop sustainable products with a focus on safety, quality and innovation, says Anne Nivíka Grødem.
The award will help to motivate and maintain a focus on developing and insisting that tourist products are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. An award that pays off and is worth striving for.
The award must, through the recognition, publicity and award - help to focus on sustainable initiatives, and thereby inspire even more people to pull the industry in a more sustainable direction, says Air Greenland's CEO, Jacob Nitter Sørensen.
1. June 2022