Tuesday, July 16, 2024
We will help you
Air Greenland’s Call Centre receives more than 1,000 calls a week and often solves problems. However, there are many things that customers can handle easily and quickly themselves
It is said, that the shortest distance between people – is a smile. Brain research has actually proven this – that messages delivered in a friendly fashion get through to us more easily.
Of course, you cannot smile at everything. There are problems that need to be addressed in a serious manner. However, most things go more smoothly when the atmosphere is accommodating and solutionoriented. The dedicated members of staff at Air Greenland Customer Support know all this. The Call Centre can sometimes be a hectic place. The eight members of staff, six women and two men, remain calm and in a good mood.

– When we employ people, we look at their professional skills, but to a high degree also at the personality of the candidates. They must be service-minded. They must be positive people. When a candidate is the fidgety, impatient type, they do not have the right profile for this job, says Johanne L. Knudsen who, as Customer Support Manager, is leader of the team.
– It can be rather gruelling in your department when things get hectic.
- It is no secret, that on days when air traffic is cancelled all along the coast, the department is under pressure. When it is quieter, the staff members have an opportunity to spend time improving their skills and learning more about our systems, through e.g. online teaching material, answers Johanne L. Knudsen.
The person behind it
Most of the inquiries at the Call Centre take place in a constructive atmosphere. The staff members do their best to understand what the inquiry is about – and to be accommodating. They explain how things are connected. – Almost all our customers are calm and friendly. However, we occasionally meet some very unpleasant people, who are agitated and who rant and shout. That kind of behaviour is unacceptable. People need to understand that the essence of our job is to show understanding and to help. However, we cannot change the terms under which a ticket is bought – and we cannot change the weather.
– My message is, therefore, that everyone should remember that there is a person at the other end of the phone call, says Johanne L. Knudsen.
– How long does it typically take to get through to you on the phone?
– Generally there are no problems. It takes us on average three minutes to answer the phone. However, there are days when the wait can be longer. This is especially true when there are changes to the time table.
Use the website
Nothing is left to chance at Customer Support. The focus team is called in when improvements are to be introduced to Customer Support and statistics concerning the subject of inquiries to the Call Centre are constantly being updated. Systematic efforts are aimed at improving service. People ring primarily to change their tickets. Most inquiries occur when the customer has bought a Takuss ticket and wishes to change it. But – as stated in the terms and conditions – Takuss tickets cannot be changed, refunded or upgraded.
Johanne L. Knudsen warmly recommends that people take the opportunity to check with the Air Greenland website and click the “customer support” tab where they can find answers to most queries – also those about different ticket types. The information given is user-friendly and easy to understand – and of course in Greenlandic, Danish and English. There is also a guide on how to book your own ticket.
– When we launched the updated version of the website a year and a half ago, we experienced a boom in numbers of clicks on the website. Our data shows that is it mainly English-language customers who use the customer support tab.
– Why is that, do you think?
– People abroad are perceived as being more comfortable with navigating in our digital universe than they are with giving us a call. Culture can also play a role. People in Europe and the USA are used to finding most of their information beforehand.
– We handle on average 1,000 to 1,200 inquiries a week and about one third are about changing the ticket — Johanne L. Knudsen
It would be a great advantage for locals to use the website more. However, she adds quickly, personal contact is naturally available for those who feel more comfortable with that.
– We can’t help with everything. We get calls from people looking for a telephone number to a travel agent or who ask questions of a more “general knowledge” nature. We can’t help in these cases.

Photo: Air Greenland
Passengers travelling by air are protected by terms and conditions. On Air Greenland’s website – under Customer Support, Rules – you can click on Rules and Regulations and check the folder that describes your rights as a passenger and what you can expect of support from Air Greenland.
– This could involve e.g. delays and cancellations, remarks Johanne L. Knudsen.
– A couple of weeks ago, when I flew from Kangerlussuaq, a passenger was denied boarding due to inebriation. What are the rules in cases like this?
– Fortunately, it is extremely rare that passengers are denied boarding. But if they are inebriated, they can be a danger to flight safety and their behaviour can be unpleasant for the other passengers, says Johanne L. Knudsen.
Any and all subsequent expenses (e.g. accommodation and meals) in cases like this are the passenger’s own. At the same time, the booking is lost and the passenger must buy a new ticket.
We always get there
– What would make work at the Call Centre more efficient than it is today - thereby further reducing waiting time?
– That would be that people thoroughly understand the terms and conditions of the ticket they have purchased.
– How many inquiries are about tickets?
– We handle on average 1,000 to 1,200 inquiries a week and about one third are about changing the ticket, answers Johanne.
A special situation should be mentioned in this context: Many tourists purchase their tickets through a travel agent and these customers cannot get help from Air Greenland’s Customer Support, if they want to change their flight.
– They need to contact their travel agent, explains Johanne.
– Why is that?
– Because the travel agent has the overview over the entire trip. There can be other connections with other airlines, car rental, hotels, perhaps sled trips and other excursions involved. This is why only the travel agent can plan the new trip. The rules are for the benefit of the consumer and are statutory. We are not legally permitted to provide assistance.
– Have you anything else to say, on behalf of Customer Support?
– Yes. Delays happen, especially in Arctic regions. It could be due to technical problems with the aircraft or problems at the airport, but we will get everyone to their destination, says Johanne L. Knudsen, with a smile in her voice.