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Aappilattoq can be translated as "the red mountain" and is a settlement connected to Upernavik in the northwestern region of Greenland. Due to the milder weather, this means that the water at Aappilattoq is free of ice almost all year round, even in the winter months. This means that season does not matter for the high number of inhabitants' occupations, which are hunting and fishing, which can thus also be done in the winter months. The main catch is halibut and seals.
In Aappilattoq you can experience dog sledding or kayaking, which goes to Upernavik.
Experiences in Aappilattoq
Welcome to the experiences of the other world. Where else can you find snow, ice, mountains, sea and whales close to green plains with potato fields? Go exploring for new exciting experiences right here.
Aappilattoq was established in 1805 and became a trading post in 1850
The settlement has a population of approx. 180
‘Paviap atuarfia’ is the school's name
Paviap atuarfik is also an activity centre for all local inhabitants and has a swimming pool
Aappilattoq has several shops, a church and a fish factory

Other destinations
Greenland is full of surprises, beautiful landscapes and magnificent experiences. Find your next dream destination below.

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