Greenlandic culture
Meet the Greenlanders on their home turf. Hospitable Greenlanders bid you welcome to their home. Accept an irresistible offer of a kaffemik and good stories.
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Tourists are particularly welcome and are received with great hospitality by the local inhabitants, who are extremely fond of their town and of sharing this enthusiasm with others. Today the local population primarily lives of fishing, and the town is home to various programmes of maritime education. Earlier, the trade of animal skins and whale products was an important source of income and the town was also known for its soapstone artists.
Majestic views
The town lies on a peninsula with an impressive view of the mountains. You can see whales, falcons and white-tailed eagles in large numbers. If you sail to the town, you’ll meet Paamiut surrounded by dark blue fells towering up in the background. The town has several buildings worth seeing.
Greenland’s churches are generally very attractive, and one of the most beautiful is found in Paamiut. It’s inspired by the architecture of the Norwegian stave churches and the acoustics are fantastic. The museum is also well worth a visit with its exhibitions of local handicrafts and pictures from the whaling period. You’ll probably also be attracted by the lovely items made from animal skin and bone that can be bought at the museum.
Fish in the summer
The local fishermen are happy to invite visitors on fishing trips and whale-spotting trips on dinghies or speedboats. Minke whales, fin whales, killer whales and humpback whales are the species that are most likely to frequent the local waters. Tighten your safety belt, lean back and enjoy the magnificent sight that almost causes your heart to miss a beat. Take a fishing rod with you, and should there not be any whales, there are sure to be lots of trout and salmon throughout the summer months.
Don’t miss out on a hike along the old nature trails which head out from the town into the interior. Take a tent with you – and remember your fishing rod. If you prefer a more comfortable night’s sleep, then Paamiut has a pleasant hotel.
Welcome to the experiences of the other world. Where else can you find snow, ice, mountains, sea and whales close to green plains with potato fields? Go exploring for new exciting experiences right here.
Greenlandic culture
Meet the Greenlanders on their home turf. Hospitable Greenlanders bid you welcome to their home. Accept an irresistible offer of a kaffemik and good stories.
Whale watching
The sea is teeming with whales. As a spectator expect to be at a loss for words when you get close to these giant mammals of the deep.
Trophy hunting
A trophy from reindeer and musk ox is on many hunters' wish list. And in Greenland, the goal is within short reach; only about five hours journey from Denmark you can get on musk and reindeer hunting.
Kayaking in Greenland is for experienced rowers who enjoy the silent movement in waters with white mountains as a backdrop.
Do rods, spinners and fish in all shapes and sizes have you hooked? Fishing is a pastime that can be enjoyed at any time of the year by people who love the challenge of rivers and lakes.
Museums and art
Paintings, tooth, stone and bone. Greenland’s museums reflect the country’s cultural heritage and disseminate it using modern forms of expression.
It’s a short distance from towns and settlements to open expanses with lakes, fells and the sea. Remember your map and compass or let yourself be guided by an experienced pathfinder.
Greenland's eighth largest city
Formerly also called Frederikshåb
Approximately 1300 inhabitants
Founded in 1742
Has one village
On a large peninsula at the mouth of a fjord in Westgreenland
Greenland is full of surprises, beautiful landscapes and magnificent experiences. Find your next dream destination below.
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