They came from the north and they came from the south. A past that stretches back 4,500 years leaves traces that continue to live today in culture, sagas, legends and people.
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Tasiilaq is the chief town in East Greenland, and one of just two towns on the east coast. The town lies on the large island of Ammassalik, 100 km south of the Arctic Circle.
The town has it all: calving glaciers, hunters, picturesque wooden houses and their characteristic spiked peaks. At the same time the island has fertile valleys with purling rivers and magnificent flora.
Isolated until 1884
The first Europeans didn’t arrive in East Greenland until around 130 years ago. Until then the population lived in isolation in a never-ending struggle for food and clothes to provide warmth. Spirits, legends and sagas were a natural part of their everyday lives and this made its mark on traditions, art and culture – as indeed it still does today.
Get close to a society of hunters where old traditions are upheld. For example, a polar bear skin is not given to the person who kills the animal, but to the person who first spots it.
The town's nerve centre
The area around the harbour is the town’s nerve centre. During the summer the town’s pulse beats clearly when boats and dinghies set sail and return through the inlet. The mountains of Polheimsfjeld, Præstefjeld and Sømandsfjeld can all clearly be seen in good weather.
Isolated or not, when you visit Tasiilaq, you can get out your computer and write home to your family. The internet has also come to Tasiilaq, and computer games, communication in cyberspace and mobile phones are all commonplace.
Welcome to the experiences of the other world. Go exploring for new exciting experiences right here.
They came from the north and they came from the south. A past that stretches back 4,500 years leaves traces that continue to live today in culture, sagas, legends and people.
Greenlandic culture
Meet the Greenlanders on their home turf. Hospitable Greenlanders bid you welcome to their home. Accept an irresistible offer of a kaffemik and good stories.
Ice cap
The Ice Cap in Greenland is thousands of years old, and its power is overwhelming and breathtaking. Look forward to meeting the largest ice cap in the northern hemisphere.
Mountains await as a succession of adventures – both large and small fells that will match your particular skills and equipment.
Whale watching
The sea is teeming with whales. As a spectator expect to be at a loss for words when you get close to these giant mammals of the deep.
Trophy hunting
A trophy from reindeer and musk ox is on many hunters' wish list. And in Greenland, the goal is within short reach; only about five hours journey from Denmark you can get on musk and reindeer hunting.
Do rods, spinners and fish in all shapes and sizes have you hooked? Fishing is a pastime that can be enjoyed at any time of the year by people who love the challenge of rivers and lakes.
Museums and art
Paintings, tooth, stone and bone. Greenland’s museums reflect the country’s cultural heritage and disseminate it using modern forms of expression.
Embark, disembark, head ashore, then embark once more! But never miss out on the chance to take a sailing trip through the magnificent landscape that’s sure to sweep you off your feet.
Souvenir shopping
Today’s most outstanding designers are behind innovative creations and are rewriting the history of Greenland. Look, touch and feel.
It’s a short distance from towns and settlements to open expanses with lakes, fells and the sea. Remember your map and compass or let yourself be guided by an experienced pathfinder.
East Greenland’s largest town
Formerly also known as Ammassalik
Approx. 2000 inhabitants
Founded in 1894
Have five settlements
On the island of Ammassalik in East Greenland
Greenland is full of surprises, beautiful landscapes and magnificent experiences. Find your next dream destination below.
Read more about how to register your travels in Club Timmisa. For each registration, you earn one ticket for the draw for a travel gift card of 3000 DKK!