Glacier Lodge Eqi

Glacier Lodge Eqi is a picturesque destination that provides a perfect blend of comfort and wilderness. Located in the mesmerizing Greenlandic landscape, our lodge boasts breathtaking panoramic views of glaciers, mountains, and the pristine Arctic surroundings.

Unique accommodation in outstanding settings

Immerse yourself in the comfort and serenity of our thoughtfully designed cabins at Glacier Lodge Eqi. Each cabin has been meticulously crafted to provide a cozy and inviting atmosphere, allowing you to unwind and reconnect with nature.

A hiker’s paradise

Embarking on a hiking journey in Eqi means immersing oneself in a realm of untouched beauty. As you traverse the trails, you'll be treated to panoramic views of towering glaciers, rocky mountains, and crystal-clear fjords. You can even hike to the enormous Icesheet.

From the lodge, we offer a selection of the best hikes the area has to offer.

Preserving Arctic Beauty: Sustainable Practices at Glacier Lodge Eqi

At Glacier Lodge Eqi, self-sufficiency serves as a cornerstone of our sustainability philosophy. By harnessing energy from our own solar panels, managing water resources responsibly, and sourcing as locally as possible, we create a self-sustaining ecosystem that exemplifies our commitment to preserving the Arctic environment.

Eqi is the perfect place to learn about climate change and how it impacts the delicate, arctic nature. Here you can see the effects with your own eyes. We strive to raise awareness about the fragility and importance of the Arctic environment, encouraging our visitors to adopt eco-friendly behaviors during their stay and beyond. Together, we can make a positive impact on the preservation of this remarkable ecosystem for future generations.


Glacier Lodge Eqi is only a captivating boat tour away from Ilulissat.


Read more about Glacier Lodge here.


Ture med hundeslæde kan foregå fra det øjeblik, den første sne er faldet og isen har lagt låg på fjorde og søer. Slædehunde findes kun nord for polarcirklen og i Østgrønland.
Slædernes facon afhænger af, om de skal bruges til kørsel på havis, over fjelde eller i dyb sne.
Gennem mere end 1.000 år er slædehundenes fysik og psyke udviklet, så de i dag er en af de stærkeste arbejdshunde i verden.
Siger kusken ili, ili, ili drejer hundespandet til højre, siger kusken iu, iu, iu skifter retningen og turen går mod venstre.
Husk solcreme med højt faktortal. Solen og refleksionerne er meget stærke.
World Of Greenland og Grønlands Rejsebureau har tilbud, der passer til dig og med udgangspunkt i Kangerlussuaq, Sisimiut samt Ilulissat og andre byer i Diskobugten.

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Igloo Lodges Near Ilulissat From Above. Photo Erick Lee Visit Greenland

World of Greenland

World of Greenland is a Greenlandic tourist operator based in Ilulissat. From here we offer a wide catalog of land, sea, and air based excursions, year round.
In addition to experiences in Ilulissat, World of Greenland owns and operates unique lodges in Disko Bay, including Glacier Lodge Eqi, Ilimanaq Lodge and Igloo Lodge.
World of Greenland is driven by delivering great experiences to the quality-conscious traveller.

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Arctic Excursions

Arctic Excursions er en del af Greenland Travel. Vi har Grønland i vores DNA og har base i Nuuk og København. Arctic Excursions er en platform for både større og mindre turoperatører i Grønland, så turismen kan komme alle til gode. Se turoperatørernes brede udvalg af ture på vores hjemmeside og få en oplevelse for livet. 

Airplane On Landing Lane In Paamiut. Photo Aningaaq R. Carlsen, Visit Greenland

Greenland Travel

Grønlands Rejsebureau tilbyder oplevelses – og erhvervsrejser. Til Grønland. I Grønland. Og fra Grønland. Deres ekspertise og faglighed gør, at de altid kan tilbyde produkter og løsninger, der passer enhver smag.

Albatros Touring Bus. Photo Aningaaq R. Carlsen, Visit Greenland

Albatros Arctic Circle

Albatros Arctic Circle er et lokalt forankret selskab, som arrangerer ture både i Kangerlussuaq og Sisimiut.

På turprogrammets lange liste står indlandsis moskusokser, hvaler, forladte bygder, hundeslæder, vandreture tilbage i tiden og meget mere.

Hotel Soma Lav

Hotel SØMA

Sømandshjemmet tager et socialt ansvar i byen. Det gør de ved at støtte lokale initiativer løbende og selv stå for en række begivenheder.

Here you can experience riding a dog sled

Greenland is full of surprises, beautiful landscapes and magnificent experiences. Find your next dream destination below.

Other experiences in Greenland

Welcome to the experiences of the other world. Where else can you find snow, ice, mountains, sea and whales close to green plains with potato fields? Go exploring for new exciting experiences right here.